For City of South Houston in partnership with H-GAC (Houston Galveston Area Council) and Harris County Precinct 2

South Houston Livable Centers Study

2024 Gold Planning Achievement Award in Transportation Planning from the Houston Chapter of the American Planning Association (APA-Houston)

‘The focus of the plan was on healthy living, and a healthy lifestyle that goes beyond just establishing South Houston as a place that provides opportunities to increase physical activity and active transportation, but that also helps people in the city feel a sense of community, improves housing quality and supply, increases flood resilience, and supports better education. Recommendations were focused around three categories: Focus Areas, Connectors, and City-wide.’ - APATX

The work was the result of an exceptional partnership with the planning lead team at Huitt-Zollars, Inc., collaborating on urban design and outreach.


South Houston, Texas


City of South Houston with HGAC




UltraBarrio Role: Urban Design and Outreach