For The Energy Core District in partnership with H-GAC (Houston Galveston Area Council)

Memorial Drive Pedestrian and Bike Study (In Progress)

Our team’s approach is to first develop a comprehensive public realm understanding of the study area. UltraBarrio will assist TEI in analyzing and documenting existing conditions of connectivity, access, destinations, urban heat, lighting, tree canopy, ecology, biodiversity, watersheds (especially with proximity to Barker and Addicks Reservoir), neighborhood character, street character, and social dynamics. More importantly, we will examine how these networks connect with land use, multimodal behaviors, future planned projects, and current studies, to inform development of Memorial Drive. Our team will create maps and visuals to communicate our findings that also consider time and sequence in the context of future plans.


Houston, Texas


H-GAC, The Energy Corridor District


TEI, Inc.


UltraBarrio Role: Urban Design